Some questions about cycling my tank

rock work looks great. No fish will be able to rearrange your rocks except big triggers and sharks. If you don't have those, no worries. Yes run your skimmer, that is a good idea while curing the rock and cycling the tank. You get used to the noise and wonder how you ever lived without it!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Yeah its been on for a few hours now, and its already beginning to be a normal sound, kind of soothing actually. What kind of lights do you guys think I should look into? they have all kinds, but I really think I like the halides the best, they just seem more compact and clean looking, but they are more powerful than I need even. Should I go for 2 24" lights or 1 48"? They have some decent priced compact fluorescent with lunar lights, 24" 130 watts (2x 65 watt) + lunar lights for 114.69, or a 48" with 4 65 watt for a total of 260 for 212.49... What are the pros and cons of each type of light, the book I got didn't cover lighting very much, if at all. And how do those compact fluorescent lights fit ontop of my tank? Im assuming they wouldnt fit on my stock hood, cause there are a few bulbs in them comapred to the 1 I have now, What do you use for a cover then?
Get the length of your tank. If your tank is 48" long, get a 48" long fixture. They won't be able to fit in your existing hood. Most people don't use anything for the top. This helps keep the water cooler and oxygenated. I use plastic eggcrate to keep the fish from jumping out, but that's it.

Don't get PCs. Go with either T5s or metal halide.
I have PCs now, but I am going to upgrade to T-5s in a few months. My PCs have done great for softies and LPS. I have tried clams and SPS, but even with 6 watts / gallon of PCs, it wasn't enough. the only reason I am going to T-5s is to keep a clam or six. If you don't want SPS or clams, I would go with PCs. I am probably going to get a beat down from yote, reef and biff for saying that, though. It is your tank and up to you.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
How many watts per gallon do I ideally want to aim for then? I was planning on 5, but as long as Im at it, I might as well spend the extra and get enough to grow anything I'll ever want in the future...
if you are unsure what you want, go with T-5s. that way, you have the freedom to add whatever you want in the future.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I love being lumped in with the smart people, like Yote...and....Yote.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
there are no "re-dos", we aren't twelve anymore, well, at least not physically.

-Dr Marco :sfish: