Something nipping zoas


Reefing newb
I keep photos of my corals just to watch growth. This has helped me notice any changes in them. Over the last day or two, in both tanks, I have noticed one of my small zoas have been nipped, missing a couple polpys on each. There's one in my 40 and another in my 75. In the 40 I have two ocellaris clowns, a six line wrasse and a coral beauty with a couple snails and a few hermits. In the 75 there is a kole tang, two tomato clowns, pink-spotted goby, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp and coral banded shrimp plus the normal snails and hermits. Out of all those fish, I don't know any of them to be coral nippers. Any clue as to what the culprit could be? I can post pics of before and after if needed.
I'll put up pics anyways just to show:

The 75 (right side front used to have two polpys on it and a couple gone from the top right one):


The 40 (Whole right side gone):


Try to ignore the water conditions in the 40, going through a little algae bloom right now :(
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Do you coral dip? The only reason why I ask is because I noticed some of my zoas had gone missing. Upon closer inspection I noticed that nudi's were eating it. I see your stocking list in one of your tanks has a coral beauty, the other doesnt have one but both are missing polyps?
No coral dip but this zoa was originally in my 75 and was pretty big but a sponge grew in it and pretty much took it over. I was forced to pull it out and seperate it up and just decided to break it into a bunch of smaller pieces. Yes, the CB is in the 40, it used to be in the 75 but I moved it because something in the 75 was attacking it's fins. It was moved a couple months ago though so as far as the 75 goes, it's something else.
Ok well here is my thought process, the coral beauty is only in one tank. Something is still eating at them in both tanks........Whatever is eating one is eating the others. You should look at them closely and see if there is anything on them