

Reefing newb
Hey guys my friend gave me a sponge. I don't know what kind it is all I know is its yellow with like a burnt orange on top. can someone tell me what type it is? I have no idea how to take care of it. Its growing so I am doing something right :mrgreen:
There isnt a real scientific way of telling you what it is without looking at it at the cellular level, they are usually just described in how they grow, so like a ball sponge or branching sponge.

They are filter feeders and will just take stuff from the water column and they dont like a ton of light. If he is doing well where he is, i would say that is pretty good. The ones we buy tend to be very hard to keep.
And what's the difference between ball sponge and branching sponge?

A ball sponge looks like a ball and a branching one looks like a tree with branches, I also had a fan sponge that, well, looks like a fan. I had to throw him away though because he got red algae on it and I couldnt get it off. It was really pretty though and I plan to get another one.

He's like in this little cave and he seems happy. Can I feed him the same stuff I feed my corals?

You dont have to feed it it will suck in what it wants right out of the water.
It looks like a blob of oragne so I think it is a ball sponge. And ok I won't feed it anything. It's pretty cool looking I hope it lasts :/