Stag's 125 build

So I picked up a lawnmower blenny the other day


also a toadstool


and anyone know what this is?

Thats a small little toadstool. They can grow pretty fast. Mine has doubled in size in the last year. nice choice on the fish.
...and the stuff on the left and right looks like bryopsis.I guess we all have the same problems lately.The toady and lawnmover blenny look cool,nice additions.
You will want to pull that halimeda out of there as quickly as you can. It's a calcium based algae and will suck up calcium like crazy, stealing it away from your corals.
Those blennies find some wild places to sit.My bi-color blenny(rest his soul) used to park inside a koralia 3 with the power head running.
so I just got back from the store...

can anyone guess what I got. (it doesnt have to be specific)

Hint: its something ive never had in either of my tanks.

Edit: its a coral.
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