Stag's 125 build

So I just got back from school and both of my tangs are looking bad. My sailfin has black spots all over it and isnt all that colorful and my kole just doesnt look good.

Im thinking its because I havnt done a water change in a while due to the fact that ive had spring break and midterms. Im bout to give them some food with garlic and ive got water getting mixed for a 15 gal water change.
If he doesnt look any better tomorrow im going to try to catch him and give him a freshwater bath.

If I lose these two fish I might just sell my stuff, I dont have the time for all of this and It seems like ive had so much trouble with it.
Thats 2 years in a row dude.
I think I'd forget about spring break and sit the tank.:mrgreen:
Well maybe not,but you get the idea.:D
That sucks Stag, spring break is rough for you, might have to decide which is more important, the yearly spring break or your tank.
dont get me wrong I love my tank. Ive just had it. All the fish I have loved have died. The sailfin is looking better but he is a trooper. This is the second Kole I have had that has died and this guy was doing great. I just dont have the time or money to keep getting fish and have my hopes up that they have lived for 2 week just to watch them die. Im too much of an animal lover to do that. I dont know what is wrong with my tank, maybe someone put a voo doo curse on it or something.

but I think im going to have a talk with the rents tonight and see about some advice.

One thing on my mind if I do keep the tank is redoing the whole sump since mine hasnt ever really done what I have wanted it to do.

Im going to go get a pack of smokes. This has been a horrible day.
Do yourself a favor and throw the cigs out! I quit for 9 months and on a stressful day bought a pack. Right back to it. Throw that crap away!
Well its official,

I am taking down the tank. I talked with my dad and Im going to take it down and put it into storage untill I get time to set it up the way I want to with a put together sump, no offense reeffreak but the lifesump just didnt do what I wanted it to. Its a great system for someone who has the time and effort to put it all together.

But as of right now I have to focus on getting into the college of Business and then keeping the grades to stay in it. And now that im starting photography Ive just got a lot on my plate.

I will still be keeping my nano and I will take some time to decide what I want in there. To either have it as a mantis tank or like it was before I got the big one. Any suggestions on a BA nano tank would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and ryan, ive quit cold turkey cigs and dip before. Im not too worried.
Also im contemplating on selling my nano and upgrading to a non nano tank and just getting a octopus HOB skimmer or something like that.
So there are a couple of different options im looking at for a little tank for my room.

1st. Get a tank and stand then get this to go with it.
and of course lights for my other stuff.

2nd. Get a tank and do an overflow into a sump.
now I can get an overflow and use the 10 gal tank for a sump and get some type of skimmer.

2b. get the tank and then get this
click the Rapids Pro PS3
They guy at my LFS said that a guy who comes in regularly got one and loves it and says its pretty damn good.

or 3rd.
the LFS has one of these.
Im really liking the first option because I have heard great things about tunze and that would not require me to make a sump and I think it would be the cheapest way.

I really like the cardiff but that would get pricy due to the fact it only comes with PC lighting.
and im iffy about the whole sump in 1 thing.
So my clowns disappeared last night. Something is taking out my fish and I have no clue what it is. not a mantis or my shrimp would be dead.

Im trying to find a little tank to set up ASAP.

This tank is driving me crazy. I cant wait till its taken down. Sad to say but Its caused me too much stress.
wow its been way too long since ive updated it.

Well i didnt take down the tank. it would have taken more time to take down than to keep going.

So I havnt done much except added this guy yesterday, he is a fatty and is eating and having a good time.



Also im going to start doing what yote did with the MARINE SAT.... 1 cap a day and half on water changes to get rid of this alge.
haha also ill try to get a picture with "his pajama's on". to show the difference in color he does when he puts on his camo or whatever.