Still working on the 35

Ok, now I think I might take out all the sand, clean the live rocks and then put all back together. Starting from the start so to say. One reason im doing this is because there is a lot of detritus and calcium fall out stuck in my LR. The other reason I want to do this is because the glass has a lot of scratches and marks on it so I also want to turn the whole tank around. Sounds like a good idea?? The only thing in the tank is a clownfish and snails. Figure if I do, it I will save about 20 gallons of tank water and then add another 5-10 gallons of new water.
I have decided to go through with the redoing of the tank. Really want to turn it around (way to many marks on the front) and this is probably the best time before I get coral and anymore fish.
Update: After cleaning out the 35 I put the sand/live rock back in but I put the clownfish in a 10gallon with 15 pounds of live rock. Just incase I get a mini cycle. IMO everything went great so far.
Well clownfish is back in the 35 and is doing great. Had a much longer cycle then I had hoped but I think its done now. Long story short, it was a pain in the butt to do..... but worth it. Water is so much clearer and all the troublesome algae is gone.