Stingray Food


Reefing newb
Hey guys, my LFS just went out of business and I need to find a new source of stingray food. He always sold me frozen cubes of squid. Problem is I went to petsmart last night (only other pet store in 100 miles) and they only sold the variety pack with squid that has 4 blocks of squid for $7. That would be pretty expensive seeing how he eats at least once a day. I settled on brine shrimp since I know they eat them in the wild.

My question is can I order it online and does it arrive un-spoiled, or can I try to make my own from a local meat market and a food processor?
i bought a bag of frozen krill from my lfs, it has a LOT of krill in it and i would bet that stingray would eat it... look on drs.foster and smith website, they have a ton of food you can order.

on a side note, wonton is right, that stingray will outgrow a 55 really quick, you'll have to get a bigger tank or relocate him sooner than later.
If I were you, I'd just buy seafood from the grocery store for the guy. Chop it up, or put it through the blender. That's much cheaper than buying it from a LFS. I've fed my tank fresh scallops, oysters, clams, shrimp, etc. Make sure that whatever you buy is raw and unseasoned.
Ok, I'll have to try making my own food cubes then ;) And don't worry about my tank size, the ray is in a 180 gallon.
+1 Everybody
When I had my anemone,I fed it whole frozen table shrimp from wal-mart.:D
The rays we've had at the store always seemed to really like the raw table shrimp.