Stocking suggestions


Reefing newb
Hey guys I recently set up my BioCube 29 gallon, it currently has 30 lbs live rock and 20 lbs live sand in it and is cycling. The only fish I have my heart set on so far is a clown, possibly a pair, but as for the rest of the fish I'm not sure yet. I have read several books and browsed almost every list of saltwater aquarium species online and pretty much all the fish are very interesting to me, so I'd be open to any suggestions, my main focus is that the fish will have plenty of room as adults in the current tank, and get along with eachother. Any ideas you guys could throw my way would be greatly appreciated and would help tremendously!
You will be limited to 3 or so fish. Clowns would be fine. Live Aquaria's section on nano fish is a great help -- most fish are too large to go into a tank that size, so unfortunately that limits you.

Nano Fish