Storing Live Sand?


Reefing newb
I bought 125lbs of live fiji pink sand and only used half. The other half is in an air tight cooler with water in it. This sand came out of a previous tank and immediately came to me. As of right now the sand does not smell funky and I want to try and keep it that way. Usually when wet live sand sits it develops a rotten egg smell. I have intentions on setting up another tank in several months and am wondering if it will die off by then? Is there anything I can do to try and keep it alive, for example keep at room temp, put new saltwater in cooler every month? Never stored live sand before so any input would be appreciated.
I've never hand to store live sand before but I do know that some people keep a DSB (Deep Sand Bed) in a separate container that they have plumbed into their display system. There's some discussion on how affective this as a benefit for the system but I've never heard of it doing any harm and it would keep your sand alive. If you could find a container that you could plumb into your current display system that would allow the sand a depth of 4-7 inches it should stay alive.
I don't know for sure, but my guess would be that you would want to keep it in water with a powerhead and do water changes.
But like i said, that's just a guess.

The "live sand" you buy in stores is specially packaged and not quite the same as sand that just came out of an established tank.
Throw it in a bin with the proper salinity and the proper temperature, and I see no reason why it would not remain alive and egg-smell free.
I stored substrate in a large trash can with a powerhead. I left it in the house at room temperature and it seemed to stay alive, but I really never knew for sure.
I've never hand to store live sand before but I do know that some people keep a DSB (Deep Sand Bed) in a separate container that they have plumbed into their display system. There's some discussion on how affective this as a benefit for the system but I've never heard of it doing any harm and it would keep your sand alive. If you could find a container that you could plumb into your current display system that would allow the sand a depth of 4-7 inches it should stay alive.

I already filled my refugium up with as much of it as I could. About 8" deep in the refugium lol. I got TONS of this stuff left and am trying to preserve it the best I can until my other tank comes into the picture. Thanks for the advice