Storing saltwater


Reefing newb
Okay so I decided to filter, mix and store my own water. I am using a 32 gallon Brute trashcan that everyone recommended, a heater, and two jets (jets run continously and heaters only a day before I do a water change.) So Two weeks ago I mixed, filtered and mixed the water, last Saturday I did a water change and everything went great. I plugged the heater in this past Friday Feb 4th so I can do a change Sunday. Well I go out Saturday to test the Salinity and it is right in line with where it is suppose to be, but the cup I pour the water into to be tested I noticed little white things floating around so I open the lid to the trashcan and noticed it smelled kind of stale. After noticing the smell I pulled the heater out and it had white slimmy stuff all over it. I look in the trashcan more and the white stuff is also on the jets. I have a ttached a picture for your review. The water has only been sitting for two weeks with the jets consistantly running with the lid on, what is happening with the water? I am afraid to use it in my tank now, I though about throwing it out and restarting but I need to know what is casuing it first. Any help?
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Your water is probably fine, but you may want to test the water if you're concerned about it. Maybe test for ammonia (that typically has a more "red tide" smell, not "stale" smell, though)...?

I can't see the pic either btw. Are the white specs salt that didn't dissolve?
I personally mix the salt water a day or two before I do the water change. I will leave the RO water in the bucket for quite a few weeks.

The stale smell is probably from it being in a closed bin for so long. My buckets get that also. But when they aerate, the smell goes away pretty quickly. Have the pump rippling the surface of the water to give it some gas exchange.
I will change the powerheads around a bit so it breaks the surface. I can't tell what the little white flecks are, it has to be related to the salt becuase they were not there last week and I keep the lid on at all times. Do I need to filter the specs out? I will have to upload the pic later, it is too big to upload and I don't have a program at home to downsize the file.
Here is the pic. Hopefully you can see what I am talking about. This white slimey stuff is over everything in my storage container.


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    white slime.jpg
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In my Brute I have a heater and a just a quiet one pump with about a 3 foot hose curled up and it makes a constant swirl and anytime I go to grab it everything has a slime to it and the heater has a white film on it.

I never noticed the smell. I actually have my heater and pump on for about a week prior to the water change.

I don't know if it is good or bad but I can't see why having it heated and moving for a week ahead of time could be bad for it.
I did the change last night and rinsed the trashcan out pretty well. At the bottom of the container it had a lot of buildup of I gues salt, that was where the little white pieces were coming from. I don't know if the water is just not circulating enough or what for when I pur the salt in. I repositioned the jets to see if that would help but I am thinking of buying something that will circulate it better. Do you all have problems of the salt sinking to the bottom and not fully mixing in, assuning that is what is happening with mine? You ever had a dish towel that got old and musty smelling, that is what the water smelled like.