

Reefing newb
so i just got an aquarium off craigs list 46 gallon corner tank with a sump everythings up and running but im new to sumps, i have my heater in there and im going to put live rock in there instead of bioballs, any other ideas to put in the sump to help me out? thanks
That's about it. Usually the bioball sump has a sponge block to filter out water bubbles. Just make sure to clean it often.
Wes, do you think dirty filters would result in high phosphates and/or nitrates? as you saw my filters are pretty bad. My nitrates read 0 with 3 test kits. Phosphates are present but not too bad.
heh. that's a touchy subject around here. I used bioballs and filters in my 72g tank and had no problem with nitrate or phosphate neither. Don't tell anyone I said that. lol.
yea, you can just live it on top, but it won't catch as much stuff though. On the other hand, you don't have to use filter floss at all. Lot of people don't.