Taking Down My Tank


Reefing newb
Yes, it is true. I am going to be moving to Europe to for school and I cannot take my tank. I have not found anyone who wants to keep it going, thus it must be taken down and pieced out.

I have never done this before so I have no clue where to begin. i have 50lbs of really nice live rock that now has tons of cool shrooms and other LPS growning on it. The guy at the fish store offered me a $100 for all the live rock, but when I paid almost $300, it is hard to part with for that amount.

What I am asking is what are the steps to taking down the tank? Live rock first? Than fish? Sand? Than equipment? Better as a whole package or individual? I am not trying to make tons of money, just get something for all the money I put in, maybe a 40-50% return.

Another question I have is should I sell everything on craigslist? Will people also buy the livestock on there too. I am in the LA area, so if any of you know anybody, I have lots of really good equipment and supplies.

Just let me know where I should start, any info will help. This whole thing is hard since I love reefing so much, thanks!
Sorry to hear you have to sell your tank :(
I'd throw it on Craig's list, mention all the components, rock, livestock, and see what people are interested in and what offers they will make. Think you'd get more piecemealing it myself.
Fish tend to go fast on Craigslist (I would know -- everytime I respond to a BRAND NEW POSTING, someone's always beat me to it LOL). Worse case, can you take it to an LFS if you can't find anyone? I'm pretty sure they'll take them (especially if you don't ask for money or store credit -- or better yet, get the store credit, and give it to someone in the area who could use it.
I was not planning on selling the fish, so if somebody wants them in the area I will gladly give them to a good home. Otherwise I will donate to my LFS, who may give me a little $. If they offer store credit, I will repost on here and see if anybody can use it.

I currently have:

2 Ocellaris Clowns
Bicolor Blenny
Barret's Anthia
Coral Beauty
Cleaner Shrimp
im in the LA area and am very intrested.. could you post some pics, i also know a few ppl, including myself who would be intrested in buying or taking the stuff you need gone, sorry to hear about your tank teardown, post some pics!
I would love make my equipment available to people from the boards first. I can get some pictures for you tomorrow. Do you have an email where I could forward a list of equipment I have to see if you or any of your friends would be interested? Lets keep in touch to see if we can find these guys and equipment new homes!
im intrested in the bicolor, i need something to eat the algae in my tank, but does it munch on clam mantles?
Text me a pic, I sent you my # in PM..id be interested in taking the Benny and the cleaner off your hands?
Ideally you want to get rid of the livestock first, but that can be hard to do if you still have rocks in your tank. Often, you have to remove the rocks to catch the fish.

When I took down my 90 last week, I had new homes ready for my fish ahead of time, so when I took out the rocks and caught the fish, I just had to deliver them to their new owners.
I live in Orange county have a 30 and 60 gallon and can pick up whenever. PM me what you still have because I am looking for a few things :)