Tank pricing- Help?


Reefing newb
Okay, so I've been shopping around for used tanks on my local Craig's list and I thought I found a good deal for a 75 gallon tank with it own stand and lights for $150. Still going to go take a look at it on Saturday, but some one mentioned that that wasn't such a good deal because you can build your own stand and buy just a tank for cheaper. Price shopped around both Petco and my LFS today and it would seem that the just tanks alone that they carried in that size were in the $200+ price range. Not a money saver there but now I'm still worried that this other tank might be a rip off?

So, any money saving tips that any one might have when supply shopping would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that I live in north Idaho, not Orange County or someplace like that where used tanks would be a dime a dozen. I'm really having to hunt for this stuff!
Here's the pics the seller sent me. It's been in a storage unit for a little while and needs some cleaning.



In MY opinion, that tank is not worth $150.
That stand is a standard stand made of particle board. You could easily make one out of 2x4s for like $30 that would be far more durable and you can make it to your own specifications....as long as you're capable of building a stand. Idk if you're that way inclined.

As for the tank, Petco was a suggestion because a few times a year they have a tank sale where they charge $1 per gallon for normal tanks.

Biff had a good suggestion in the other topic, though, in that if you want to have a sump you should try to find a drilled tank (or "reef ready"). You can potentially drill the tank yourself but you'll want to know a little about what you're doing that way. It's not he simplest task.
From what I understand, their dollar per gallon sale's only apply to 55 gallons or less though, and I want something bigger :(
Ohh I didn't know that. I still think you can get a better deal than that. That tank is pretty dirty and imo the sand is pretty useless. If it doesn't have mold or dry rot in it already (being previously used and then stored) it will get it eventually.

However, it's your tank and if that's what you want then you should get it. :-)
I personally would look for a reef ready tank. Those lights are for fish only tanks. However, if that stand is a solid wood stand, it would be worth the money. I wouldn't trust particle board.
I def going to check if the stand is actual lumber or just particle board. I don't think I can afford a RR tank. Certainly not a new one and the used ones I've seen have either been way over priced on CL or tantalizingly with in my budget but in a totally different state and the seller being unwilling to ship on Ebay.

Ugh, I'm trying to do this on such a shoe string budget and now I'm all flustered and edgy because I really can't afford to waste money on a bad choice but I also don't want to miss a good deal hoping something better will come along. Maybe I should just wait and save more while trying to find that killer deal? I really didn't expect to be anywhere near close to even starting LR cycling for any less than a year with how long I'm going to be going with just saving a making single purchases.
You can always negotiate with people on craigslist. I don't think I've ever paid the asking price for anything I've bought through there.

You said you live in an area where it's hard to find them used on craigslist...that's because it isn't a popular hobby there...which could potentially mean you have more room or negotiation with a person getting out of the hobby or upgrading.

It can't hurt, also, to spend a decent amount of money on the tank and then wait awhile to set it up as you aquire more equipment. It sucks to have to wait but you'll honestly end up spending more money down the line if you skimp on all the stuff you buy.
I do not, in fact, have a petland. Only petco and petsmart. There's some privately owned and operated pet and fish stores around the Spokane area that I think I'll check out and see what they have, but so far that's about the same price that every body else had on just their tanks and still more than what this one is.
The tank and stand aren't bad. But the lights and glass tops are useless in saltwater. So maybe you can negotiate the price down based on that. The tank isn't super dirty -- nothing a little vinegar won't clean up. I'd offer $100 and see if he takes it.
I think that's what I'm gonna do, yeah.

Oh man there are so many pretty tanks on ebay that are cheaper AND bigger but local pick up only! Dang it I hate living in the middle of no wheres-ville some times :grumble:
I'd check the silicone seals over really well. I get people donating tanks to me from craigslist and I end up resealing/rebuilding a lot of them. That would be my main concern. I'd also ask for a leak test. It'll be kinda weird standing around for 30-45 min watching it but the last thing you want is to buy a useless or unsound tank. Don't talk yourself into it. If something doesn't seem right walk away. GL!
I don't think its a terrible deal (but I live in an area that's pretty expensive). I spent $400 for my 90g + stand and ditched all the "extras" it came with (like crappy lights, filters, etc); and just spent 65 for a 37 tank and stand even though I have to replace the tank. I thought both were decent deals. I agree, try to negotiate with him. Definitely check the quality of the stand, and tell him you want to see it filled with water when you come over to leak test it. If he refuses to show it to you filled, then don't buy it! You could also go over and see it, tell him you'll think about it, and then come back to us w/ any questions you have :)

Oh, and it looks to me like that tank is already drilled - in the pics, near the center top of the back glass there appears to be a black bulkhead.
I would pay the extra money to get a drilled tank because by the time you purchase an overflow, you will have spent pretty close to the same amount. A good overflow will run about $100
Oh, and it looks to me like that tank is already drilled - in the pics, near the center top of the back glass there appears to be a black bulkhead.

Oh, thanks for noticing that, I didn't see it in those pics. Will have to check in out more closely when I got to look at it. If it's already drilled then that's much better!