time for coral .....


Reefing newb
hello all,
so we're thinking that perhaps its time to start adding coral to our tank .... wondering if you people here have suggestions as to some hardiest of kinds to start with .... easy to transplant .. . easy to care for ... but still look beautiful .... also maybe some suggestions of ones to stay away from if they are really touchy to start

Almost all LPS, soft coral and mushrooms are great beginners corals. I have a candy cane and a hammer and they are very hardy. I also have a GSP but, they can and will overrun your tank if you are not careful enough. They grow like weed. :)
All great suggestion really.I've been enjoying all the different Euphyllias available.Bicolor frogspawn,gold hammers,frogs and torches,splatter hammers,true yellow hammers,super green or toxic green varieties and even tri-color varieties.Some of them are no more expensive then the more common.
I agree with the posts above. My very first coral was a hammer with two heads back in 2006. I still have that coral which has been fragged many times. It broke a few months back so I have two with at least 20 heads a piece.
thanks all for the great ideas ..... will do a little more research before we decide which to start with ... there are sooooooo many colors ..... is kinda like landscaping a backyard, hard to tell where to start!!! thanks all!!