Tiny Wormlike Organisms


Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish
Back in the early 90's, I obtained a culture of what looked like tiny, filamentous, pale whitish colored worms (maybe 1/16" in length) from my local reef shop's reef aquarium (wish I had a picture !). When introduced to my FOWLR, they self-propagated rapidly in the substrate and kept a mandarin well-fed (for nearly a year) until the tank was taken down. They evidently lived on detritus. Now that I have recently set this aquarium up again, I cannot seem to find anyone who knows exactly what these organisms were; some think they may have been copepods of some sort - but they looked nothing like the pods I've been supplying in my current setup for my current mandarin. They did not look like flatworms either - way to thin, almost hairlike. Does anyone have any idea what these organisms were ?
they are live white worms. you can buy cultures of them, not sure of a website but if you look around you can find them ..:D
I do know that mandarins are known to love them and they are highly nutritous..