Tube Worm ID help. :}


Reefing newb
i need help with the ID of a hitch hiker on rock i just bought. Ive had my set up for over a little over 3 yrs and never seen anything like this. its got a crown and it sparkles rainbow colors . its crown looks like super shiny metal fishing line. the tube its in is about 1cm in diameter. in the center it has smaller whitish tentacles waving around. It seems peaceful and its a beautiful addition to my tank. Ive browsed many photos and i haven't came across anything that this resembles. I love it! its soo beautiful. and i want to accommodate to its needs. any suggestions ?
Other than a tube worm I can't help with a name, it is rather pretty. It's a filter feeder so phyto or marine snow for food but the odds are your water changes and fish feeding will meet its needs.

Also welcome to the forum
i do feed zoo and phyto so thats a plus. and it is super shiny and sparkling. the pic does no justice. thanks for the advice!