Unknow Worm / centipeid


Reefing newb
Hi All,
Today I was setting a polup and I repositioined a rock so the polup would have a nice spot to live. When I picked up the rock a worm thing fell of the under side. I tried to grab it but it dug under other rocks too fast. I drew a pix on paint so it's pretty childish but it's a fairly accurate representation. I have been looking on the net for hours but I can't find a pix of it to identify it. If you know what this is please let me know. Thanks a bunch,
The chance of it being a fire worm would be very low.
So your saying it doesnt look like any of these:



And that it looked like this:


If so i would so a trap, by cutting the top of a bottle off, turning the cap so it then faces inward, and put some table shrimp in there. G2 Bottles work good.
Fireworms while they have been found in aquariums before, are pretty uncommon. Most of the time it'll just be a plain bristle.
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Ok, I'll trust you guys. Defenatly didn't look like the pink purple worms. Looked more like the red white one but it wasnt hairy looking the legs were much more leggy looking and the body was smooth and a red/orange color.