Urgent ich question.


Reefing newb
Hello, I have a 5g with ich. 2 clowns and an emerald crab. I also have a 15g that finished cycling like last month. It has a damsel in it. I was wondering if i move the 2 clowns with ich to the 15g, will the damsel get ich? And also the emerald crab. it went from a peachy color to a sort of pale/white. Can i move the crab, Or the clowns, Or maybe both?
From what I've read once ich is in the tank, it's there forever, you just have to learn how to control it. There are some great posts on here about how to do that. I wouldn't move the fish though. If one fish has ich, there is a good chance it will give it to the others. Do you have a empty tank you could set up as a quarantine tank?
Why don't you empty out the 5g of everything but the fish, and treat it w/ ich before moving them to the 15g? I'd get rid of the damsel anyway if your ultimate goal is to move the clownfish in the 15g. In such a small tank, the will most likely fight.
Black ich....usually treated w/ paravortex.

I wouldn't transfer rock and sand from a tank that I had medicated. Defeats the whole purpose of qt'ing :)

But honestly, if your fish are eating, they could fight it off on their own w/o treatment. But be aware that the tank will always have the parasite. The fish will just have learned to fight it on their own. Future fish will catch it as well. Most of us do not qt. we just keep our tank and parameters healthy at healthy levels.