uv black light


Not That Kind Of Reefer
hey guys i have a uv blacklight that i had in my college dorm for some cool glow in the dark posters and i decided to put it in my tank to see what happends.
i saw some rocks start to glow orange and the coraline algae glow as well. i like it but will it hurt the fish or coral or anything in the tank. if not i would like to use it in replacement or with the moon lights. let me know if u have info.
I would be more concerned with the black light's potential damage to your eyes than the corals.

The typical black lights we see at stores and used for entertainment purposes generate mostly UV-a radiation (long wave UV). It was thought to be safe ("WAS").
But now experts have been studying its link to numerous health issues such as eye injuries and skin cancer.

Never use "short wave" UV lights for entertainment/hobby purposes. Although I do not think they are readily available to the general public. Those can really hurt you if you don't know what you are doing.
So for the glow I wouldn't need any special leds right just to give it a different look when im around. Like some cheap 5 buck ones you use for cars.
Automotive LED lighting may not be in the right spectrum, so it may or may not produce the look you are looking for. You're probably better off going with an actinic or a UV/Magenta stunner strip