water changes

Nitrates will build up over time with fish poop and such and that will stress out the fish. It is good to do 10% a week or every other week.
And the animals in your tank will use things in the water, that need to be replaced. The salt mix that you make up new water with will contain these replacements. You can't test for everything.
it will be cheaper for you to get a bucket of salt and make your own. it will be fresh and you know what has went into it. you will just need a hydrometer or refractometer to check the salinity.
The way I look at water changes:
You wouldnt wait until your car had engine problems before doing aa oil change.So why with until theres something going wrong in the tank before doing a water change.
His prices are very good, 0.79 for ro and 0.99 for saltwater.Thanks for the advice I just got back from getting ro water. will do water change tonight.
As mentioned above PWC`s accomplish two major things. 1) They will dilute excessive nutrients in the tank that cause nuisance algeas and slow down coral growth. 2) They replenish trace elements used up in you water due to different coral and fish processes. Without PWC`s your tank will crash eventually. I`ve seen many a person say they are not doing PWC`s or will do them sparingly and a year down the road they are posting a "Why are all my fish dead" thread. Seen it many a time. Read this

I hope your LFS doesn't use copper in their tanks :shock: Plus why would you replace YOUR dirty water with HIS dirty water?

I'll be honest, I have gone 2-3 months without a water change...but my tank was FOWLR....but when I would do the water change, all my fish and rocks just looked more alive and healthier when I did the water changes. Plus I'd take the opportunity to suck up any debris from the sand and rocks.
His prices are very good, 0.79 for ro and 0.99 for saltwater.Thanks for the advice I just got back from getting ro water. will do water change tonight.

That's actually really expensive. Instead of his R/O water, you can use a water vending maching
and get 5 gallons of water for 25 cents. Or, you can buy your own R/O filter for like $100-150 at purewaterclub.com and make your own fresh and saltwater (buying a bucket of salt like others have mentioned).

My LFS's around here charge like 45-85 cents per gallon for salt water, and the 85 cent per gallon stuff is supposed to be their "premium" stuff, whatever that means; so 99 cents seems pretty high to me.
I do a 30 gallon water change and a good cleaning every week. I usually designate Saturday mornings, but I have to work saturday so i just finished it today. I swear my fish a re happier after a water change. I've had my tank up and running for a few months now and I've never had an algae problem, my parameters don't move, like Yote said, a little preventative maintenence goes a long way. It takes me less than 30 minutes to scrub the tank, change the water, and rearrange any corals that I might have moved.