What should I do.....


I love corals and I love angels and butterflies. I am having a difficult time trying to decide between the two.

I have keep corals forever and haven't had much opportunity to keep my angels. I know what you will say Marco. :)

Should I put corals in my tank and angels and butterflies, then cross my fingers. I can always pull out the coral if they start to eat it (that is if I catch them in time) I had a saddleback butterfly once that ate my tube anemone in about 3 hours.

Just trying to get some more opinions. :scratchch
you could always start up a new tank, if not i would say i would cross my fingers. Maybe you could do something like an emperor, just only as a juvenille and then trade it in. you know stick with the ones that are most likely to be coral friendly
Im in the same boat Winy.Only I want an eel.And even though they most likely wouldnt bother my corals,I would never see it because they like to hide in the rock work.
But in the not to near future I plan on setting up an aggressive system for an eel,grouper,and a puffer.
you could always start up a new tank, if not i would say i would cross my fingers. Maybe you could do something like an emperor, just only as a juvenille and then trade it in. you know stick with the ones that are most likely to be coral friendly

I think I might cross my fingers, I already have 7 tanks. I'm not sure that another one is in the future... but who knows right? :question:
I had a snowflake eel in my reef a few years back. when I got him he was about 4 inches long, and did fine until he was big enough to start eating my smaller fish. Of course he loved the shrimp and crabs, "Eel Boy" moved into a 50 gallon tank with "Puffy" a porcupine and I was hoping dinner (a domino damnsel) but they all were friends.

I trained Eel boy to eat his ghost shrimp from a net so he always came to the surface and was easy to remove when the time came.
I have a whited-eyed moray eel in my work tank who plays nice with a flame angel, foxface rabbitfish, Niger trigger, blue-ring angel, maroon clown and an ornate wrasse. He does not eat anyone, nor does he bother corals. I even have him in with three cleaner shrimp (added before the eel). They max out at about 20 inches and don't hide all day. You will see him have about 6 inches out of his rock hiding space all day and fully swim out for dinner (my guy loves his squid).

As for you Winy---GET ANGELS. I hate being the only one who drools over them. I have never tried a butterfly except for the copperband - which I have killed four times and vowed not to try again. I have also had a longnosed butterfly with zoos and leathers without trouble. If youare are worried about what corals to have, go safe with leathers...not much eats those and a tank with mature colts, devil's hand, toadstool, nepthia, sinularia, etc AND two or three massive angelfish is a sight to behold (pics coming today, when I get around to uploading them - maybe that will change your mind). Best of luck to you Winy.

-Dr Marco :sfish: