What to add?

Anyone able to find the netting that they use locally? I went to both Home Depot and Lowe's and neither had it as far as I could see and I'd rather not have to order it. If it's last resort I will but rather not if it can be foudn somewhere else. Maybe someone knows where they have it?
I used bird netting... it might be a seasonal thing, though. I picked it up at Home Depot. The spacing is pretty big, though... like 3/4". But all my fish were way bigger than that...
You might also want to look into the lighting grid (AKA Egg Crate) that they sell at Lowe's/Home Depot. I got a 2'x4' section for around $12.00 and was able to cut it up to fit on top of my tank.
+1 Burch!!!!! I'm setting up my 37 and I am gonna use that for a cover!! Still have room for gases to escape and no room for the escape artist to get out
Lighting grid isn't small enough to keep fish like wrasses, jawfish and other smaller fish from jumping out. They can still fit through the grids.
I considerd the egg crate stuff but wouldn't that cast shadows into the tank due to thickness? Plus like BL said, the reason I'm doing this is to prevent escaping fish and what I saw is a little too big.