Xenia dying


Reefing newb
hi, i have a 2 year old reef tank, 90 gal, i had blue xenias , pulsating xenia and one other type i can't remember the proper name. about 6 months ago all my xenias started dying for no reason at all, nothing has changed in the tank, only the xenias were dying, iodine levels were fine and i am very acurate about adding it.i also feed green water once weekly.
all the xenias died off after 2 month of the problem starting, i tested the water and nothing is wrong, all withing range, then 2 months later i bought blue xenias to try out, they died after 5 days, 2 months later i tried more xenias and they died after 8 to 9 days. any ideas what is the problem and what could be done please, i am desperate, i love xenias. .
Where are the placed in the tank? are they in an area where there is too much flow? are they near anything that could harm them? lighting??
Your tank MAY be at the point where theres just not enough of something for xenia.But I have no idea what.
But xenia are a funny type of coral.They'll thrive and take over one tank,but die in another with the same water parameters.:dunno:
I read an article on GARF that says Xenia tend to die off due to temperature changes in the wild. I forget if it's summer into winter or the other way around. Can't find the article again. Mine did that about a month ago. It was thriving, looking like it was going to overrun the tank and then it just started shrinking up. I was in the middle of moving tanks and it helped when it got to the new tank but it still isn't 100% happy. I think he said to keep it going you want cooler temps but I'm not sure. Good luck, I love xenias!

xenia is one of those corals that some people can no keep alive no matter what they do. and becarefull of what you want i am in a battle with xenia and it is not fun
I wasn't able to keep xenia alive in my 55 gallon tank, no matter what I did. I could never figure it out because all my other corals were doing great. Then when I got a 240, xenia took over like the plague and I couldn't keep it from growing. I really don't know what the difference was, but this seems to be a very common occurrence for people wanting to keep this coral! In some tanks, they just won't live!
it started dying in the biggining of summer when i had some high temperatures in the tank to about 82, but now it is winter and my temperature is normal, about 77 to 78 and the new ones i am getting are still dying. i have moved them in different location to avoid too much water flow or light and no change, still dying
Reefboy, I feel your pain, and I echo the sentiments of the others here. Who knows?

The Xenia in my 120 were doing great, then they started to fade away, then they started to do great again, now they are fading away again. Maybe i got a macro level pulse...i wanted the polyps to pulse, but the whole colony is pulsing!
I had problems with them too! Mine were doing fine and split. About a week after splitting, they all died. I decided not to get more, as everyone talks about how they can take over a tank, if not cut back. I like them, but not that much.
i would tend to say that Xenia like more nutrients in the water , and yes in the wild or your tank if the temp is too high they will die...I wouldn't add iodine i think that is a recipe for disaster and not needed at all by the coral actually i wouldn't add anything, at all for a while, you might have built up a toxicity in your tank that a few water changes is not getting rid of