yay! I'm a coral reefer!

The goni will do best left on the bottom. You can take "her" (:D) back if you want, but if you really like it, you can just try your best. Some people have had luck with them (even beginners). They just seem to be very touchy and very hit or miss. Generally, the red colored ones are believed to be hardier. It's difficult to tell what color yours is from the lighting. They are not impossible to keep, just challenging.

The worm looks to be a bristleworm. Google bristleworm and see what comes up. If it is a bristleworm, it's safe. In fact, it's an excellent scavenger and a great part of your cleaner crew. I can guarantee that you've already got dozens of them in your tank, you just don't see them.
wouldn't worry about algae to much just get a few snails like nerite, cerith, trochus, maybe a turbo snail or two and they will keep algae down. I have a scopas tang that takes care of my algae if any grows but i keep the snails listed above in my 75 gallon tank.
I'm planning on getting a tang...either a yellow eye kole or a blue eye tang...I have to look up the real difference other than eye color and/or the powder brown eventually. (cause I really want one of those) we have some snails...narcisssus, 1 med. turbo, some little bubblebee ones, and I think there is 1 astrea left. (won't get those again they topple and are gonners) We are going to get more. I know about bristleworms...i just haven't seen one. I've been looking up info on how to keep the Goni alive...there is actually a whole website with forums on them. We'll need some wavemakers to give it a light flow, too. Right now it is so pretty!

super thanks!