Zuatrapatuarte's 29G


Reefing newb
Ok, here is my tank. As you can see there aren't any powerheads in there, I'm waiting on one to be shipped.

Two Ocellaris Clownfish
One six line wrasse
One Coral banded shrimp

20 lbs of dry rock and 10 of live rock, now all live

25 lbs of sand


I decided to get my first corals today. A fire torch and a Lobo.
(hope I got the names right)
They haven't open up much yet, it has been about 7 hours since I put them in the tank, I hope they do well in ma tank.


It may just take some time to get its color back. It looks like you have moved it lower in your tank from your first picture post of it. I'd say that as long as it stays open and plump it should get its color back with time. A lot of people feed their lobos as supplement to what they get from their zooxanthelea. Maybe that could help the guy out...Only a week is not a lot of time in a coral's life though, and many corals can loose some of their coloring on a move.
It may just take some time to get its color back. It looks like you have moved it lower in your tank from your first picture post of it. I'd say that as long as it stays open and plump it should get its color back with time. A lot of people feed their lobos as supplement to what they get from their zooxanthelea. Maybe that could help the guy out...Only a week is not a lot of time in a coral's life though, and many corals can loose some of their coloring on a move.

Hi James. Yes I moved it down as I read that it could help. Thanks for the info.