

Reefing newb
I was wondering what fish i can safely put with my blue damsel that she will not kill and will not kill her. She has been my only fish for roughly a year now so this is why i am asking.
Blue damsels can be pretty aggressive (as you know). You will want to match it up with another fish that can hold its own against the damsel. Usually a clown would be a good choice. In a 20 gallon tank, it's a tough situation because that tank size is too small for most fish that would be okay with a damsel. A dwarf angel or a sixline wrasse would probably be fine with the damsel, but they need a larger tank than that. You could try a different type of damsel... They may fight though.
this tank is till i can start converting my 70 gal fresh to salt but for now i would just like to have more than one fish to watch in the small tank also this is for future reffrence. am still building up hinding places and things in the 20 gal. I could do it all faster if we had a closer fs when you only have one in a 100 mile radius they charge higher prices. for instance lr for 9.00 a pound and not having alot of money to just be ale to order live rock online it kinda sucks. but anyhow i thought about clowns or even a mandrian goby of which is what i want but i was to afraid the damsel would kill it.
I wouldn't add a mandarin. If the damsel didn't kill it, it would most likely starve to death in a tank that size very quickly.

When do you think you will have the 70 set up?
thats going to take some time i am going to work on it slowly. I just dont want to rush it because i know its going to be some serious bucks to get it all going my first project with it is going to be all the equipment if i could find lightly used to save money that is what i will be doing. Also my tank is not drilled so i will have to use and over flow box and get new lighting for it. i just want to have all i need first then i have to do something with my fresh water fishes that i have had for years now. in the end my 20 gal will be my freshwater tank.
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i have also thought of maybe even getting rid of the damsel all together i bought her when i start out my first tank she has been through 2 tanks and this is the 3rd once the 70 gal is set up it will be number 4 for her. I also thought about to maybe getting a male damsel to go with her.
You cant sex damsels unless you see her laying eggs, so you arent going to be able to pick out a male for her.

But i think your best bet is another damsel of the same size or a clown.
i have researched that for my self and there is a small way of telling them apart. But for now i am just going to continue building my aquascape. maybe by time its done ill have 30 to 40 pounds of live rock in my tank. I just dont want no base rock i think it is ugly...lol
"The Blue Damselfish is probably the best selling marine fish in the United States. Beginning hobbyists relish its hardiness and small size, while advanced aquarists praise the color and activity this member of the Pomacentridae family brings to the aquarium. Female Blue Damselfish are completely blue. Males, on the other hand, have an orange tail and are commonly called the Orangetail Blue Damselfish or Blue Devil Damselfish."

- Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Blue Damselfish

I think the tail being a different color constitutes more than "a small way" of telling them apart.

Sexual dimorphism aside, she's still probably going to be a jerk to whatever you add.
Let us know how that goes, not that I want a damsel tank but a breeding tank has been peaking my curiosity lately.