Purple coraline


Reefing newb
I'm starting to see it on the spout of my Maxijet. There's also some brown on it also. I imagine this is a good thing because of it growing and it's all part of the seasoning process? I saw some purple dots too on the left hand side of the tank. Let me know.
Purple dots are usually the start of coralline. I've found, in my tanks, that it tends to start growing on the equipment and glass first, then spread to the rocks. You can help it along by brushing it off of your glass, the spores will grow from wherever in the tank they land.
why is it good to have coraline in a tank?i know its a sign of a well kept/good water quality tank but is there an actual advantage? aside from looking pretty?
There is not advantage to it at all, it does show that water quality is where its supposed to be IMO.
That, and it will compete for space. Where coralline covers a rock, nuisance algae has a hard time taking hold and establishing itself.
After about six months, I am finally getting coralline on my back wall,my pumps, and on my rocks. It seems to start in the shaded areas first.:^: