What are these


Reefing newb
They look like a millipede can see it alittle its maroon with like white running down its sides they are in my fuge.


  • Picture 025.jpg
    Picture 025.jpg
    24 KB · Views: 154
The thing right in the middle? Looks like it might be a bristle worm, but it's still pretty blurry. Did you find a match on either of the sites?
yea looks alittle like a bristle worm but not sure. do bristle worms get big the ones in my fuge are like .5 inch and smaller
Sounds like a bristleworm to me too. They can get big -- some people have ones that are several feet long. But I imagine it takes many years to get that big. They are great cleaners, and will do a great job keeping your substrate and rocks clean.