Recent content by Legacy26

  1. L

    New 125 gallon setup from scratch

    I do believe a refugium is another biological filter, things that would normally get eaten or killed in the main tank are grown/raised there. I'm sure a kit for a 200 gallon aquarium would be more than enough for your tank, but I don't think that one can have water that's TOO clean. Now on...
  2. L

    New 125 gallon setup from scratch

    Indeed they are! Sumps make everything much much better. I got one with a sump with the tank that got dropped on me. I had dealt with FW before, and I think the sump makes it easier.. In other news I learn that I can put my heaters in the sump.. there's another cord I don't need to run up the...
  3. L

    Red slime..!

    I'll try getting a better picture of it with my macro lens tomorrow, lights are off now.
  4. L

    Red slime..!

    Ok, I also called my cousin, but she says its a beneficial algae which was growing for well over a year to reach that size... Maybe the camera's making the the algae look different?
  5. L

    Red slime..!

    Update.. Just did my weekly water test, everything's looking ok, ammonia levels are at ~.25 ppm, also noticed this yesterday when I was removing the cyano. Should I scrape it off as well?
  6. L

    How To Move A Tank?

    I would 3-4 people (including you) to move the tank, having more people just to makes things easier, dividing the weight more and the like.
  7. L

    Red slime..!

    They were fine with the mushrooms. At least from what I know. However i would rather my money not be eaten, so any corals that I MIGHT be able to try?
  8. L

    Red slime..!

    Tank is 2ft deep. and yes I do want corals, my cousin was able to have corals at the top of the pile, (those blue shrooms that died..)
  9. L

    Red slime..!

    I've already learned.. I'm a fountain pen user/slight collector, I'm afraid to add up my receipts lol.. I'm guessing somewhere in the upper 5k or so range, over 5 years, before then I used my parents! I'm reading that power compacts are no good and T5s are better, should I upgrade?
  10. L

    Red slime..!

    appx $200 total for all the new stuff I'm getting, plus the 36" power compact I bought.. not bad for a free tank lol.
  11. L

    Red slime..!

    I adjusted the #4 output to blow onto the chest and rocks, my problem with this is the live rock goes almost right up to the glass in some places, so a powerhead or two mounted at an angle would be better for blowing into the pile.
  12. L

    Red slime..!

    My cousin only used the flow coming into the tank, I need to get a couple powerheads.
  13. L

    Red slime..!

    Well! time to spend the hundreds I saved on a free tank eh? I got home today, was feeling better than normal so I took off the canopy, then brushed (and scooped) out as much of the slime as I could. I think I'll need to remove the chest to properly clean it.
  14. L

    Red slime..!

    Ok, I'll go and see if I can get 2-3 #3s or #4s. 1. There's eggcrates with bags of activated carbon lying on top of them, then connections for the skimmer and pump to main tank. 2. The black sponge isn't really a sponge its actually split carbon, one of bags of the stuff broke while in transit...
  15. L

    Red slime..!

    for 1. I will do that, probably 2 or 3 of the #1s, I also probably should've done this earlier, quick paint sketch of how the water flow works in my tank. #2,3,5,6 all blow downwards and towards the center of the tank, they create a slow current that blows everything towards the center...