RedSea Max 250. AKA Little Victoria


Newbie is a fair assmnt.
This is my first time ever making a Thread... It seems like I always have a million questions for google since I've started my tank, as such, I figured I would just join livingreefs, since google usually directed me here anyway. :Cheers:

This was the set up on the second day of tankdomhood. Guess what, those rocks were full of rock crabs. Note to self- rock crabs are not all like Sebastian from the Little Mermaid. Turns out they are evil, hermit crab eating hitch hikers. Crab trap? BAHAHAHA. no, these crabs have been around, they're smart and cheeky, and somewhat scary. Club soda? WORKED. LIKE. A. BOSS. :bounce:
Since my initial tank pic is a bit boring, I also posted a picture of my gorgeous new picasso babies I got yesterday. I also just learned about picasso clowns yesterday, fell in love, instantly. I guess these guys are only "semi-picassos", this is clearly still a learning process for me. Who knew fish could get grades too! (A,B,C etc...) This is Neemoo and coral. (Neemoo because they kind of remind me of cows, and I liked Finding Nemo -- don't judge me!)

-Will post a more current picture tonight!
-Thanks for checking this out :D


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Looking good, love the clowns and those are good names...I dont name my fish...its the kiss of death for me to name a fish.
Little Victoria (as in Victoria, BC, Canada)

Good morning everyone,

Here is an updated picture of my tank... A couple more rocks, some more coral.... AND MORE DIATOMS! OH NO!

It seems like the ugly brown is starting to go away a bit though, it is giving way to this hard neon green stuff (Coraline? someone please tell me it's a good thing?).

I am also a bit concered re the dark red spots, again Coraline? OR SLIME? :frustrat:. Please don't be slime, please don't be slime. It is hard and crusty and you cannot scrape it off the rock. In some spots though it looks like it is sort of peeling away from the rock. (Can't get a good pic).

In other news, looks like I've got worms!


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