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  1. R

    New Filtration System

    Hi Everyone, thank you in advance for your help. I currently have a two year old 90 gallon Saltwater aquarium. The tank is inhabited by: Snowflake Eel, Porcupine Puffer, Box Fish, Butterfly Fish, Wrasse, Clown, Mandarin,a few angle fishes, starfish, and two sea urchins. All fish have been...
  2. R

    Boxfish eating Long Horn Boxfish

    Hi everyone. I have a two boxfish in my aquarium amongst other fish and I noticed that my long horn boxfish starting hiding almost all of the time. I then observed the fish for about a half hour and realized that the other boxfish (a yellow boxfish) was taking bites out of the bottom of the...
  3. R

    Strange Pod Showed Up in Aquarium

    Can anyone tell me what this strange pod (second and third picture) is that suddenly showed up in my aquarium? I am not sure if I should remove it. I recently lost three fish after soemone else took care of my tank while I was out of town. Not sure what the cause but the pod and the white shell...
  4. R

    Clown with hole in fin

    Hi All, I was feeding my fish this evening and saw what looks like a split fin on my clown fish. It is a perfectly rectangular hole. I don't think it is any type of disease and the fish acts completely normal but wanted to get your opinions. All other fish are healthy. I ahve included a picture...
  5. R

    Water Change Container

    I am currently using an 18 gallon Rubbermade / Sterilite container that I bought at Home Depot to store my new water prior to a change. I let this water sit and get it to the right temperature prior to a change. I have been using this container for the past few months. I noticed however that...
  6. R

    Add Sand?

    Hi All, I have had my 90 gallon tank up for about a year. It is an aragonite sand base. All of my fishes are happy and healthy but I noticed that there is a corner of the tank where the sand is all cleared out. My clown fish has been sweeping and moving all the sand with his mouth out of...
  7. R

    RO/DI Slow

    Hi All, I have an RO/DI unit that I bought at a LFS about six months ago. The unit used to product about 5 gallons in a 24 hour period but now produces less than a gallon a day. Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to fix the unit? Thanks, Ryan
  8. R

    Koran Angelfish Color Changing

    Hi all, I bought a Koran Angelfish last week. He appears to be very active and healthy and gets along with my other fish who are all very healthy. The one thing that I noticed and concerns me a bit is that his blue color is starting to fade around his head and forward part of his body. Is he...
  9. R

    Sick Fish

    Hi All, I have a 90 gallon saltwater tank with two of the fish showing signs of a bacterial infection. About two weeks ago, the flame angel's eye started to get a white film over it. I went to the LFS and got some Melafix and Maracyn and treated the tank at their recommendation. Within...
  10. R

    Next Fish (Tang, Trigger, Other?)

    Hi all, looking for a suggestion on which fish to add to my aquarium. I currently have a 90 gallon which has been up and running for about 3.5 months. All levels are great and have had the following living in it for about two months: 1 - Lion 1 - Cardinal 3 - Damsels (these fish were to get...
  11. R

    Sick Powder Brown Tang (Ich and Popeye)

    I have a Powder Brown Tang which had Ich last week. I treated the fish and it cleared up however it appears that it developed what I believe is called popeye. Some history: 90 Gallon Tank with Live Rock In the process of converting bottom from crushed coral to sand. I started replacing the...
  12. R

    Fish Suggestions

    Fish Suggestions Hi everyone. I am new to livingreefs this week and this is only my second post. I was amazed with the responses from my first so I plan on becoming an active member in this community. I have a two month old 90 gallon FO tank. There is some lava rock and slate in the tank...
  13. R

    Long Spined Sea Urchin

    I am new to saltwater aquariums. I have a long spined sea urchin and I had a cowfish. I noticed that the cowfish would swim between the long spined urchin's spines and then recently died last week. The aquarium store said that he may have been stabbed by one of the spines and that they are...