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  1. J

    HOB filter 10 gallon

    I have a hang on the back filter in my ten gallon that has no filter media in it. It is basically just being used to circulate water right now. I had that stupid spongey filter media in it but that lasted like 1 day before it got all nasty and worthless. Is there anything else I can put in the...
  2. J

    clownfish acting strange

    I have been noticing lately that one of my clowns, the female has been acting strangely. I have been noticing her laying on the bottom either upright or on her side and sometimes she won't move or swim away unless I stick my net in there to motivate her. The water paramaters are all normal. I...
  3. J

    new to corals

    I am new to corals and while checking out my local fish store I seen that there are a bunch of "additives" that they sell like coral accel and so on. Is any of this stuff any good or is it just a waste of money?
  4. J

    green algae

    I have some green algae that kinda looks like grass that keeps growing on my live rock and green algae that keeps appearing on my glass. I don't have the water specs at the moment but I have been trying to kill off the algae with algaefix. Any other info needed to help diagnose this problem let...
  5. J

    Brine shrimp and other goodies

    I have a small one gallon tank that I have been using to store brine shrimp in that I will ocassionally feed to my clowns. Is there anyway that I can setup that small of a tank to keep them alive longer and to maybe breed them and some other kind of "treats" for my clowns?
  6. J

    8 gallon desktop tank

    I started this 8 gallon tank in September, [/IMG] I have about 8lbs of live rock, 1 inch of live sand, and 1 inch of crushed coral on top of that. I installed a hang on heater and filter and a little air wall thing for the fish. There is currently one clown fish, 3 snails, a hermit crab...
  7. J

    newbie needing startup advice

    Well I am new here. I have a 10 gallon tank that I need advice on. I just started it up. I have some live sand in it, a hermit crab, snail, and a clown fish. I read that I need to cycle the tank after I already set it up.... so what are my options to keep this tank healthy? I want to make a nice...