Search results

  1. L

    Coral banded shrimp

    Hello, i was just wondering if anybody has any idea about good shrimps to add to a tank? i was thinking about adding Coral banded shrimp to my new tank. what fishs are good to go with these types of shrimp? does anybody know any good websites that have compatability charts?
  2. L

    Velvet or Whitespot?

    So shortly after i post my first thread on this website i get thanked with a case of whitespot or velvet? haha it must be a omen! So i believe it is whitespot because my tang had it first and it was just the little white spots on its body and it was scratching on rocks. But now after i have...
  3. L

    Your Input Please

    Hello, I have had a 350 Lt fish tank for close to two years now, i like to think that i am doing something right as i haven't had any fish die yet. I was wondering if anybody could give me some help in regards to coral and anemone care. My corals seem to be in reverse...if i look at...