Search results

  1. P

    coldwater marine aquarium

    Is this possible? What fishes could i have? what equipment do i need? ANy help?
  2. P

    frag tank lighting

    could someone please give me a list of lights i could use on a frag tank i already know of the t8 lights but waws wondering if their were any others.
  3. P

    protien skimmer or filter

    Hey there, i am thinking of having an aquarium just for corals, vould i need a cartridge filter or a protien skimmer, or both.:helm2:
  4. P

    can you put corals in a cold water aquarium

    can you put corals in a cold water aquarium?
  5. P

    Keeping corals without fish

    I was wondering if i could keep corals in an aquarium without the fish, just the corals, and what would i need to achive this, as in what equipment?