Added fish


Reefing newb
Hey guys, just a quick update.
Picked up a seaclone skimmer this weekend (which is working great)
Bought two bar gobys on Saturday, although they kept jumping out of the tank (need to cut some plastic and cover up holes around skimmer/filter)
so I took them back on monday and picked up two perc clowns which seem to be doing great. Although what should I be feeding them. I tried some frozed brineshirmp and basic flake. They seem interested but dosnt look like they like it much, any suggestions? Thanks

Thanks again for everyone in the chat room that helped!
Most clowns will eat anything from live to flake food. You could try some live brine to get them jump started. Your LF should have some.
Mine eat eat what ever type of food I put in my tank.My orange perc like to try to get a bite of hand when I do maintance or feed my sun coral.I like use spectrum flakeand pellet,frozen reef prime cube,and live brine.
initially feed sparingly as your clowns will need time to adjust. upto three days not eating is not too bad, but try some live brine if not eating in 3 days. soak the brine in selcom before feeding.