before i get started....


Reefing newb
so i would like to try and make like a couple 10 gallon nano reefs eventually :D but i have a huge problem with the fact that most things in this hobby are extremely harmful to the environment and are depleting a lot of species in tropical areas. so before i actually do this i was wondering if the fish, invertebrets, plants and corals all come captive bred as well??

i bought a book about marine fish in captivity(from the 90s on accident :frustrat:) so it might not be all that accurate. but it said that clown fish were about the only things commonly captive bred. still true?

thanks for any help!
almost all coral, has been aquacultered or maricultured, but some still comes straight from the reef. most fish though are still wild caught because they are almost impossible to breed in captivity. some fish though do spawn in captivity on a regular basis, most of those are clownfish and some gobies
You can very easily find corals that are aquacultured or maricultured and not taken from the wild. Fish are another story, unfortunately. The fish that can be succesfully bred in captivity are limited to about a dozen species or so. You can also find captive-bred fish at Luckily, most of the captive bred fish are perfect for nanos. It's the bigger fish that we have problems breeding in captivity.