Bi-Color Blenny


Reefer Madness
I went to the pet store today and ended up buying a bi-color blenny, which I had researched last night and must've had it confused with the tail spot blenny. Now I am reading everywhere that bi-color's nip at corals, which I didn't realize till I got home.

Has anyone had problems with them nipping at your corals or clams?
If a Bi-color is nipping at corals,it's because there is some algae growing on it.
They are a cool little fish and not a problem in a reef.
If a Bi-color is nipping at corals,it's because there is some algae growing on it.
They are a cool little fish and not a problem in a reef.

Awesome, that's great consolation, I was getting semi-worried. Thanks for the reply!
Awesome, that's great consolation, I was getting semi-worried. Thanks for the reply!

Ugh... he's been nipping at my digitata all day today, causing it to not expand its polyps, which is unusual for that coral. I think it may have to go. The next step is going to be catching the little guy which isn't going to be easy. I was thinking I may try to siphon him out with a large diameter hose... he hides in this hole in a rock and I think if I put it over the hole I can suck him out of there without hurting him...
Ugh... he's been nipping at my digitata all day today, causing it to not expand its polyps, which is unusual for that coral. I think it may have to go. The next step is going to be catching the little guy which isn't going to be easy. I was thinking I may try to siphon him out with a large diameter hose... he hides in this hole in a rock and I think if I put it over the hole I can suck him out of there without hurting him...

You sure you got a Bi=color Blenny?
100% sure... I was able to get him out after finally removing the rock he was hiding in from my tank. This wasn't an easy task, but I won! He was definitely causing problems with a few of my corals unfortunately. I really liked the little guy until he started messing with my prized goods...
They are normally not a problem. Seems you got one that likes to get into some mischief.

Yeah I guess that's the risk you take with almost any blenny. I am so tempted to try out a tail-spot blenny but I have heard there are chances they can get your corals, so I won't take the risk. I do love blennies though.