Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

Uhhh I think I kinda just went overboard... I was just needing a harlequin shrimp. That's all I wanted to get... Ummm... Many minutes later, this is what is in my shopping cart:

10 x Astrea Snail
1 x Green Mandarin
1 x Leopard Wrasse African Blue
1 x Blood Red Fire Shrimp
1 x Harlequin Shrimp
1 x Starry Lawnmower Blenny
8 x Sexy Anemone Shrimp
10 x Cerith Snail
10 x Nerite Snail
2 x Emerald Green Minthrax Crab
1 x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

I had to order enough to get free shipping on the harlequin, right? RIGHT?


I really can't control myself. Someone needs to take control of my bank account. Help, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
Help you dont need help we are the ones that are telling you to buy more. Makes total sense that you had to get enough in your shopping cart for free shipping. I am surprised you didnt get more. :bounce:
Help you dont need help we are the ones that are telling you to buy more. Makes total sense that you had to get enough in your shopping cart for free shipping. I am surprised you didnt get more. :bounce:

Thanks Ted! You are making me feel better already!! :D
I've been wanting to order from them. They have spiderman zoo's!!! I've been wanting those from day one starting this hobby. Wish you were just a tad bit closer to me I would of asked you if I could jump on that order with you.
Biff have you had Sexy Shrimp before?

Nope, never! But I've always wanted a small "herd". That's why I got 8. I showed NDB their dance on YouTube. He laughed :D.

Hopefully the different shrimp will get along. I already have a cleaner and two peppermints. I have never seen the peppermints since I added them, so I guess really maybe I just have the cleaner. I will have 5 types of shrimp in there when I add the harlequin -- hopefully they'll all behave.
The other shrimps get along with my Sexys. The are really cute and hang out in the open on top of the rocks and corals. They seem very hardy.
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I hope so. I really feel bad about the last few animals I bought from SWA two weeks ago. I wasn't able to acclimate them (I ran out of time and had to leave!), and I think that's the reason why they may not have made it :(
I hope so. I really feel bad about the last few animals I bought from SWA two weeks ago. I wasn't able to acclimate them (I ran out of time and had to leave!), and I think that's the reason why they may not have made it :(

It nice to know someone that kills more things than I do lately. :lol:
I am going to have to. I don't have a choice. This is really the last order for my tank. I'll have the inverts I want, and the fish that I want. And I have no more room for corals, unless they are free corals, of course!!
hey biff!

this might sound odd or a stupid...but what exactly does an environmental engineer do.
like what king of tasks are you given?