Black Slime


Reefing newb
Hay everyone!

I clean this guys tank which is a 65 gal. All was well awhile back but now he has this black slime that will not go away. His nitrates are high, but they've always been (he only lets me clean the tank once a month). He does not over feed and his lights are on only a few hours a day. I have replaced all the crushed coral, did a complete water change and still the same. Could it be the brand of salt? If any one can give me some advice.......please!


More likely a water quality problem.
High nitrates and phosphates are what fuels the black slime(cyano).
I'll bet that if you can get the traites and phosphates down,the slime will go away.
I agree with Yote. You will need to start doing larger and more frequent water changes. Also try and increase the circulation in the tank by adding another powerhead or two. Cyano can't establish itself in areas where there is adequate flow. Try running a phosphate removal media such as PhosBan, PhosGuard or RowaPhos too.
Hi All I Have Same Thing But Phos Is Fine And Nirates Are Fine Mine Is Dark Brown I Have Been Fighting This For A Mounth Please Help Coral Is Starting To Look Bad Lost 1 Fish
***Please start a new thread if you have a question and you did not start the original thread***

Slime algae is a normal part of cycling a new tank, Rich. I'm guessing that you just did not wait long enough before adding animals to your tank. Everyone gets cyano in the beginning and it takes patience to get through.