Brownish yellow stuff off rock


Reefing newb
Over the last couple of days I have notices that a couple of my rocks are starting to turn this yellowish brown color. Along with that, it is falling off the rock and covering the sand. Is this normal. My tank is fairly new. I dont really have anything in it to keep it clean, as far as a cleaner crew goes One turbo snail and one little hermit crab. And it just settles into the sand, so my filter isnt picking it up. Am I ok or should I scoop it out
Is it falling onto the sand,or is it actually growing on the sand?
Sounds like diatoms to me.But they usually stick to the rock and sand.
Here is a couple of Pics. It is getting worse. Starting to see it on the glass and tank equipment.


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Those are diatoms, a type of algae. As your tank matures, they'll go away and you'll get outbreaks less frequently. In the meantime, buy a handful of nassarius snails to keep the sandbed stirred up. Other than that, there's not much you can do but wait.