Chad's 46 gallon bowfront

nutrient export is how you remove nutrients from the water so that you dont provide fuel for ugly algae or cyano.

The best way to do this is by doing regular water changes. You should also feed less, and dont overstock your tank. You can also buy a things like skimmer that help remove particles from the water before they can rot to feed the algae.

Ohhhh. OK. Thank you so much. I actually haven't bought any livestock other than my CUC yet just because this showed up and I didn't want to fight algae with brand new fish in the tank. I am ordering my skimmer tonight, I didn't think I needed it yet since I don't have fish yet. Also, I haven't done a water change yet for the same reason as not having a skimmer. I will take care of this and get back to you. Thanks again Little Fish!