Cleaner shrimp


Sausage Wrangler
So I was at my LFS today to pick up some hermits and some snails (and I got two cool fighting conchs that I love already).
I also got a pair of skunk cleaners. The guy told me because of their white antenna the trigger wouldn't eat them. True?
I'd like to add this is NOT my first choice for LFS... but it is the closest one. (Side note: nothing irritates me more than the question "do you have a saltwater tank?" I understand there are some pretty dumb people out there, but give me a break).
I also got a pair of skunk cleaners. The guy told me because of their white antenna the trigger wouldn't eat them. True?

I have never heard that about their antennas. I guess you will find out if it's true or not! Did he tell you what the rationale is behind that theory?
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Nope. I'm going to start with one to see how it goes. The other can hang out in the fuge until then. They had coral banded, fire and skunks... all with white antenna. He said it tell the other fish "don't eat me". We'll see. I'll let you know. Although now I'm worried if you've never heard it before. This guy has been pretty good so far.
I've read about people having triggers and eels that let cleaner shrimp actually climb in their mouths to clean them. I'll bet that it's like anything in this hobby and some triggers will leave them alone and other will make them a snack.
I will say that one thing I've read about certain fish that eat inverts, it's said that they usually won't bother inverts that are in the tank before the fish were added.
ErinCahir: I just posted about my dottyback picking at my peppermint shrimp (red antenna). I also have a cleaner shrimp (white antenna) and the dottyback seems to not bother him at all. Hmmm......
Hmmm indeed.... I added five peppermints a few weeks ago. I know for a fact the trigger ate one about ten minutes after I put them in the tank. And I released them close to the rocks... He just waited for one to mess up and grabbed him. I'm going to feed the tank first... then let the shrimp out.
And BL... I know that about invert eating fish NOW. Of course, the trigger has been in there for about 18 months now. Oh well.
I shall return in a few minutes!
So here we go so far. Dropped #1 in the tank. Used a net and set him right on a rock (I don't know if this was cheating or not, since the trigger is deathly afraid of the net).
Trigger so far is ignoring the shrimp. When I put the peppermints in (I did the same thing, net close to the rocks) he just sat right by where they were... waiting. This one he is ignoring. So two minutes in... success.
When I was first starting out, I was thinking of doing a predator tank...I found out that many invert eaters that are from the same part of the world as the cleaners will not bother them. I also heard a story from a guy at my LFS who has a lion...He bought a cleaner, and they lived happily ever after for about a year, and then the shrimp was cleaning the lions mouth, and SNAP, no more shrimp.
So the morning after...
One for sure survived the night. He's pretty ballsy. He was hanging out on the back glass all night. The other one I haven't seen, but I also haven't looked too hard for him. The trigger has still been ignoring him, aside from asking for a cleaning about twenty minutes after I put them in. (hooray?) It was actually pretty funny. First the coral beauty, then the female maroon clown, then the tomini, then the sailfin, then the trigger. All within the first twenty minutes. I think he was a little overwhelmed. And apparently I have dirty fish.
Good luck Erin,but i wouldn't hold my breath...but again, my triggers are PITA....i had peppermints and a CBS 3 or so years ago before i got my humu...i was told because they were in first the humu will leave them be.....not sure how long it took(a few weeks or so),but i no longer have any of them..
Yeah mine too,i can honestly say i wasn't sad to see the CBS just "disappear",he too was a PITA...i guess he finally pinched the wrong fish:lol:
I call mine "jerk fish". But he goes through spurts where he behaves. Lately he's been more good boy than bad (aside from eating my peppermints... which I expected) so he gets to stay. I have a standing offer with my favorite LFS that they'll take him if he gets too bad. One of the first times I went in I was bitching about him and showed the guy a picture. He wants him.