Clown Fish


Reefing newb
I purchased a clown fish today at my LFS. I wanted to get an anenome as well but had a few questions. I have read that you have to introduce the anenome to the clown, and that sometimes they will not interact with each other. What would be the best way to introduce them and what would be the best anenome to pair with a clown?

One more quick question:D . I also purchased a lawnmower blenny and acclimated him last night. He is still pretty much just hiding around or in my live rock. How long does it usually take before they actively start coming out into the open and "mow the sand" :sfish: Thanks :)
I dont know how you introduces a clown to a anemone. What kind of clowns did you get? Certain clowns like certain anemones. How long has the tank been set up? Do you know enough about them to care for them? Not trying to down you here just want to help give you the best chance possible. My lawn mower took about two days to come out in the open more, dont know if thats normal or not.
I just read a reacent post were you said you tank was still cycling and was 2 weeks old. Dont add a anemone it will just die, you should wait till the tanks been running for 8 to 12 months at least and make sure the water is good and stable. You also need alot of light for anemones 6 to 8 watts per gal at the least, and john says 12 is better and I would listen to him above anyone else. He always has good advise and with 30 years in the hobby I would think he know for sure what hes talking about. So dont add one now, if your wanting somthing for you clowns they host some corals, however thats still aways down the road but not nearly as far as anemones.
Yep anemones are very hard to keep in new tanks. Like Bobby said they need very high light levels and are extremely sensitive to water params. I'd wait at least 6 months after your tank has cycled and make sure you have no deaths in that time period before adding one.

Your clowns don't need one, they'll be perfectly happy without one until your tank is ready for one.

Soon enough your lawnmower blenny will be one of the most interesting and active residents of your tank -- they are really really cool, I love mine. He does a real good job on the glass and rocks and is the most entertaining fish.