clumping salt?


Reef enthusiast
I have alot of salt. A 50lb bucket, and a 25lb bag. Both have accumulated moisture due to the humidity or whatever. I am wondering if there is a tried and true to get rid of the moisture so my salt runs and dissolves freely again? Thanks!
If theres any way,I dont know of it.
Unless you could take an old refridgerator and put a heat lamp in it,then store your salt in there.
Works for welding rods,just dont know if it'd work for salt.
I have that problem in six of my stored buckets, currently. My solution? NoobDeBiff + a law enforcement telescoping baton + a hammer.
All I know is to soften brown sugar you put it in a closed container with a slice of bread. Never had a problem with my salt yet. EVen though it's stored in the laundry room.
Keeping real rice in with table salt works I wonder if an old nylon filled with rice wouldnt work the same for reef salt?
If you have a bucket and shut it by hitting it to turn that way it gets a good then you shouldn't have any problems. I only had problems when I used the bags. After I switched I have had no problems.
it happens to me from time to time but only the top layer. I bust it up with a hammer and screw driver. It only seems to happen when i dont seal the lid all the way to lock out moisture. I have thought of using bread but never got the chance. It does dissolve in "rock form" but I admit it is a pain in the ass.

It's happened to me twice (both times from forgetting to seal the lid). The 2nd time it happened I put a couple cups of uncooked white rice in cheescloth and put that in the bucket. It stopped the moist salt from turning the rest of the free-flowing salt into a brick... lesson learned? Don't forget to put the top on the bucket - and buy smaller quantities so if you DO forget - it doesn't hurt so much.