Coco worm.


Reefing newb
Hey guys i have had this worm in a tube for a while now and i keep forgetting that i have it.I placed it next with its tube that came with it from the LFS next to a rock on a rubble sand bed.I thought it died, so i never thought of it gain till last night when i saw it come out a bit from the tube it was in.I just want to know, will it leave that tube and find a spot or are these worms soppose to stay in the tube.?
They stay in the tube and show their crowns. They will retract into the tube when feeling threatened. Coco worms are pretty hard to keep healthy long-term and I don't think many people have had long-term success with them (a few people here have them though). Feather dusters are also tube worms but tend to be easier to maintain. Good luck with it!