Cone snails


Reefing newb
I was reading the fish with ulcers thread, and it got me thinking of the past.

I was in a LFS about 13 years ago and saw this wonderful Strawberry snail and just had to have it! I never asked if it was reef safe or even safe for that matter. I had it about a week and really enjoyed it. I decided i wanted a Coral beauty and bought one from another store. Put him in the tank and went to bed. When i woke up, he was dead with an ulcer or sore on his side.:dunno: So i bagged him up and took him back for the 24 hr money back.Received another one. He lasted 2 days same sore and stiff as a board.:censored: So here i go. Different store and flame angel this time. ONE DAY AND NIGHT! Next morning same sore dead as dead could be.
Ok, what have i done and whats new? SNAIL!!!!:frustrat: Lets look this guy up. Well it could be a strawberry conch but looks different. So what does he look like? Yep the DEADLY CONE snail.
The angels were evidently the only fish in my tank that rested on the bottom at night. The crazy snail would stick them and then realize they were to wide to eat. I am sure the poor guy was starving to death,but he killed about 120.00 bucks worth of fish! I took it back and told the lady not to let it kill her or anyone else! She was totally lost when i told her what it was. Lesson learned!

Moral of the story? Find reputable dealers and Know what you are buying before you jump in!
snail was friggin' 13 years old?

Ya this happened about 13 years ago.
They are scary! The funny thing is, I wouldn't mind having him back! He was fascinating to watch and I wouldn't mind having a species specific tank for one. The scary thing is how I just picked him up and put him in and out of the the bag and tank. Bare handed just cupping him in my palm. AGAIN! KNOW WHAT YOU ARE BUYING IN THIS HOBBY.
Oooh i see. For those of you who were also confused the trick is to actually read the entire post! :D

I missed the "thinking of the past" part.. i was wondering how a 13 year old super snail could be considered a new addition. doh!
Thats why I'm happy my LFS wont bring dangerous animals in.Its easy enough to get stung by lionfish and rabbitfish.Were not having to take chances with animals that we know could kill us.
However we will special order that stuff on the condition that the customer pays up front and is there the day the order comes in.That way all we got to do is hand the customer the bag.