Cool Inverts?


Reefing newb
Anybody no some cool inverts that i could put in my 29 gallon nano cube with LED lights.
I have...
a torch coral
polyps (idk wat kind)
star polyp mat (i have to different ones)
2 mystery corals (they are stony idk wat kind though)
2 feather dusters
brittle star
decorator crab
narr. snail
other snails
horseshoe crab (love him everyone shouold get one)
and lastly a clownfish
My favorite invert has to be harlequin serpent stars, I have one in each of my tanks and plan on getting more
Here's a pic of mine, it might look similar to yours
Dude i have the same one they are the freakin coolest. My tank is in my room and when i cant sleep i watch him crawl (if thats what they do) around the bottem they are freakin awesome.
P.S i was thinking of more feather duster is that possible or is two too many.
I put in filter feeder food twice a week would i need to up that if i got more?
The one in my smaller tank actually hangs out in the open, in shaded parts of my tank during the day. So I get to see him all the time, it's awesome.
I'm not really sure about the feather duster, I've never had one. But, I'd imagine that you can have more than one in a tank.