Coral Beauty Dwarf Anglefish introduction


Reefing newb
Hey, I've been asking a few questions lately because I am compiling a list of species to put in my new 175g tank, and while I was searching through the web and my three local salt water fish retailers, I came upon the Coral Beauty. I know it is related to the Flame Anglefish, which has to be the last fish added to the tank, but still don't know why that is. I was hoping if somebody could tell me if the Coral Beauty had to be added last as well, and also why it has to be the last one in.
The dwarfs angels are aggressive, so its a good idea to add them closer to last. But the dwarf angels arent tolerant of other dwarf angel. You are normally limited to one per tank, however because you have such a large tank, you might be able to get away with having two different species if you add them at the same time.
Or you could purchase a bonded pair through the Diver's Den on LiveAquaria. They seem to have been having a lot of those recently. I've seen them have pairs (and even occasionally trios) of Flames, Coral Beauties, Lemonpeels, and African Flamebacks. You do pay a hefty pricetag for the pairs though.
I think it in part depends on what else is on your stocking list. You always want to add the most peaceful fish first and the most aggressive fish last. If you are going to add fish like a triggerfish or lion or maroon clownfish or even some of the larger angels or tangs, then you might want to add the dwarf angels before those more aggressive fish. But if the dwarf angels are going to be the most aggressive in your tank, then they should go last. Perhaps you could post your list and we can give you better advice about what should go in first/last? And as LF said, you can probably add both a flame and coral beauty given your tank size, but should add them at the same time to increase the chances that they will get along okay.
I think it in part depends on what else is on your stocking list. You always want to add the most peaceful fish first and the most aggressive fish last. If you are going to add fish like a triggerfish or lion or maroon clownfish or even some of the larger angels or tangs, then you might want to add the dwarf angels before those more aggressive fish.

This is so true! The stocking list for my 50 that I'll be setting up this summer includes a wrasse, dwarf angel, maroon clowns, and a couple lionfish. Either the wrasse or the angel will be going in first, as the clowns and lions are SUPER aggressive. So giving us an idea of your planned/current stock list will help us help you on addition order.
Thanks for the advice on the CB Angle. My stock list so far is a pair of Ocellaris clowns, a fox face, a purple tang, three firefish, a bicolor dottyback, and finally a long nose hawkfish.
Of that stock list, i would say firefish first, then fox face, clowns, dottyback, angel, hawkfish, purple tang. Tangs are supposedly peaceful with non-tang tankmates, but plenty of people will tell you otherwise, and the purple tang is one of the more aggressive tangs out there.