Coral light requirements


Reefing newb
A lot of sites describe lighting requirements as low,moderate or high. I have a 29 gallon with 4 T-5 HO 24watts each, what would that be considered? I was thinking of trying some LPS corals, im not sure if i have enough light.Thanks.
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That is moderate light. You will be fine with LPS corals. You could even keep some high light corals (some SPS) if you place them at the top of your tank.
I used to have 6 of those 24w T5 lights on a 30g tank. IMO thats on the high end of moderate/medium light. But definitely NOT high light.

LPS corals don't need a lot of light. Some of them do much much much better in moderate or even low light. You could grow some wicked LPS in a 29g tank with only dual 65w PC lights. Even 130w of PC would grow a lot of coral in that tank.
The majority of LPS corals are easy to moderately easy.

Try hammer,frogspawn,brains,candy cane and trumpets,duncans and many,many more.