Disappearing Cleaner Shrimp


Time to add some coral!
So yesterday I got a skunk cleaner shrimp. He was in the tank last night, happy and it seemed like he was fine. I saw him this morning at 5am when the tank was still dark. This morning, no sign of him. I have looked everywhere. Did somebody eat him?? Are these guys good hiders? I just hope he is still alive. Any thoughts?
You be surprised how well they can hide. Also, if moving him into your tank caused him to molt then you probably won't see him again until his shell re-hardens again.
When you add one, they usually hide for a few days, molting. Soon you may see his molt lying about then he'll be back around, being all shrimpy.
No worries.
+1 i feed my cleaner mysis everyday and he malts about every two weeks. where he hides is right under a visible rock so i always know where he is tho.
Well I have looked everywhere in that tank and I still don't see him. Maybe he will come out tonight. I really hope he is still alive!
I'd give him a couple of days of hiding before I gave up hope. I assume he's pretty small and there are lots of places he could hide?

I used to see my glass shrimp mostly at night when I went down with a torch and could see their eyes shining...